Deborah Szekely
Fellow of the Wellness Hall of Fame

Deborah Szekely

In their own words

“ Fitness is fun. Being healthy is fun.
“ You have choices and you're the result of them.
“ You have to believe in what you're doing.
“ Our goal at Rancho La Puerta is to change people's lives.
“ I advise guests at Rancho La Puerta to think of activities in terms of things being life-enhancing or life-diminishing. If we put a dollar value on time we would spend it more wisely because it's irreplaceable.
“ I don't stew, and I don't fret. Even bad experiences have given me ... well, experience!
“ It took ten years to bring the Ranch to a reasonable sort of business, and provide us an income. But we were confident that the service we rendered was valuable – and to this day, that's been proven! (source)
“ Volunteering has been my alma mata.
“ Rancho La Puerta was supported by the estate of Aldoux Huxley.
“ I don't need to run things. We're talking about vision, to share a vision.

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